Disney’s “Moana” is getting the live-action treatment, and Auli‘i Cravalho, who voiced the animated film’s title character, says it’s important to her not to reprise the role. Dwayne Johnson, who played the demigod Maui in the 2016 animated film, announced last year that a live-action reimagining of “Moana” was underway and said fans would get to see him portray Maui in the flesh. And while Cravalho signed on to executive produce the film, she followed Johnson’s announcement with the news that she was opting to stay behind the camera on the project. “It feels really important to me to pass the baton to the next young woman of Pacific Island descent, and I say that with my whole chest …,” Cravalho told the outlet. “I want that door to swing wide open and I cannot wait to meet the next Moana.”Disney’s live-action “Moana” is scheduled to hit theaters June 27, 2025.
Source: Los Angeles Times January 17, 2024 08:54 UTC