As part of the COP27 events The declaration of the First Egyptian Pact for Used Beverage Cartons With the participation of Tetra Pak, Uniboard, Beyti, and JuhaynaCairo, Egypt, 12 November 2022: during COP27 Tetra Pak, world’s leading food processing and packaging solutions company, Beyti, one of the largest producers of milk, juice and yoghurt in Egypt, Juhayna Food Industries, the leading Egypt-based manufacturer of dairy, juice, cooking products, and Uniboard, Africa’s leading card-board manufacturer, declared the Egyptian Pact for Used Beverage Cartons Waste. The Egyptian Pact for Used Beverage Cartons Waste plans to bring together businesses from across the entire value chain; recyclers, collectors, producers, government, and NGOs to address the end-to-end process of a recycling of used beverage cartons. The four companies commit to:Lead awareness-raising and educational activities with the public on the issues related to used beverage cartons segregation and collection. The starting point was the announcing that we are joining forces with Uniboard Papermill to recycle used beverage cartons with a joint investment of €2.5 million. The four parties invite entire value chain of recyclers, collectors, manufacturers, producers NGO and consumers to join the pact for a more sustainable future.
Source: Egypt Today November 20, 2022 19:11 UTC