Congress leader Manish Tewari, BJP leader Yashwant Sinha and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal at the book release function in New Delhi on Thursday. (Source: Tashi Tobgyal) Congress leader Manish Tewari, BJP leader Yashwant Sinha and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal at the book release function in New Delhi on Thursday. (Source: Tashi Tobgyal)Disgruntled BJP leader Yashwant Sinha, Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari and AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal shared the same stage on Thursday from where the Delhi Chief Minister declared that the next general elections would be between Narendra Modi and the rest of the country. Kejriwal, who was once criticised by the Congress, said there was pervasive fear in the country and people cannot compromise on their freedom. Read | Yashwant Sinha column: I need to speak up nowTewari said “politics is about probabilities and probabilities are eternal”.
Source: Indian Express October 05, 2017 23:08 UTC