Photo: Don BayleyNew Delhi:A relative of Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by the Anti Corruption Branch (ACB) on Thursday in connection with the PWD scam, even as the ruling AAP alleged that the move was aimed at “maligning” the image of the party supremo and harass his kin. Vinay Bansal, son of Kejriwal’s brother-in-law, was arrested on Thursday morning from his residence in north west Delhi’s Pitampura area, a senior ACB official said. Three FIRs, including one against a company run by the chief minister’s brother-in-law Surender Bansal, were registered by the ACB in the PWD scam case on 9 May last year. AAP’s Delhi unit chief spokesperson Saurabh Bharadwaj said the arrest was an attempt to malign the chief minister’s image and harass his relatives. However, the Anti Corruption Branch defended the arrest of the chief minister’s kin.
Source: Mint May 10, 2018 09:11 UTC