Art Seen: April 15 - News Summed Up
Art Seen: April 15

Art Seen: April 15

April 14, 2021 17:03 UTC

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Art Seen: April 15

BY JAMES DIGNANWaxie in the Blossom, by Kerry Lanauze(Robert Piggott Art Gallery)Robert Piggott Art Gallery is currently showing Otago artist Kerry Lanauze’s debut exhibition. The works, in acrylic on canvas, form an elegy for the artist’s grandfather, who died during last year’s Covid-19 lockdown. Norman Cleland was a retired teacher who instilled in his descendants a love for life and art. Fleet Street, by Robert MacdonaldRobert Macdonald has a long and distinguished career in art, both in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Gallery Fe29 is currently exhibiting a retrospective which covers the artist’s works between the late 1950s and early 1970s.

Source: Otago Daily Times April 14, 2021 17:03 UTC

