Around Asia In Forbes: India; Thailand; Japan; Mongolia - News Summed Up

Around Asia In Forbes: India; Thailand; Japan; Mongolia

FORBES Thailand AprilYuengyong Opakul, 62, is better known as Aed Carabao, a celebrated folk musician. The Carabao Daeng beverage has put cofounder Sathien Setthasit on Forbes Asia's Thailand rich list, and Aed--a company director and executive--and a third founder aren't far from the cutoff. ( India March 31Prathap Reddy fronts the family-business issue with his four daughters, who help the 84-year-old founder run Apollo Hospitals Enterprise, or AHEL. ( Mongolia MarchOrkhon Onon is the CEO of Trade & Development Bank of Mongolia, the country's largest financial entity, with assets exceeding $3 billion. FORBES Japan JuneAn issue devoted to economic growth in Japan's regions features Daisuke Yanasawa, CEO of Kayak, a Web-content developer that recently sponsored Kamacon, a project to revive towns through the power of IT.

Source: Forbes April 26, 2017 21:45 UTC

