Are you drinking too much water every day? Here's what new research says - News Summed Up

Are you drinking too much water every day? Here's what new research says

Photo: PixabayWe all have grown up listening that drinking water has many benefits and we should at least drink 8 glasses of water per day. New research has found that the recommended eight glasses of water a day may be too much. Scientists from the University of Aberdeen discovered the recommended intake of two litres of water a day was often more than people needed. Previous research in this area depended on surveys of small samples of people, but scientists have now collaborated across the world to measure water turnover using a stable isotope technique. Those living in hot and humid environments and at high altitudes, as well as athletes and pregnant and breastfeeding women, need more water as the research showed water turnover is higher among them.

Source: dna November 26, 2022 20:36 UTC

