Aside from Clint Eastwood’s not-so-escapist The 15:17 to Paris, that’s WB’s schedule up until Ocean's 8 in early June. I will argue, by coincidence or design, that Warner Bros.’ big 2018 game plan is to make Aquaman almost irrelevant. Option A: Enough of WB’s big (or big-ish) 2018 offerings break big enough that Aquaman is at-worst one disappointment in a sea of relative wins and at-best a cherry on the top of a franchise-rich sundae. But this year the DC Films franchise, at last, hopefully becomes what it should have been in the first place. Aquaman is just one of many promising movies this year, and DC Films is only one of a handful of would-be franchises, as opposed to the one film/franchise that will define WB’s media narrative for the entire year.
Source: Forbes January 22, 2018 18:00 UTC