Apple has received approval to change the way its smartwatches function so the company can overcome the Apple Watch ban imposed by a US court. Apple had successfully sued to temporarily block a US International Trade Commission ruling that prevents Apple from importing the Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2, among other newer models, because they violate Masimo’s patents. Apple had said it “strongly disagrees” with the ban and pledged to “take all measures” to bring the Apple Watch back to US customers soon. Apple has routinely marketed its smartwatch as a life-saving device, which has helped launch the Apple Watch into the stratosphere, making it the most popular watch sold around the world. On December 18, Apple opted to preemptively begin taking the Series 9 and Ultra 2 versions of the Apple Watch out of stock in anticipation of the ruling kicking in.
Source: CNN January 15, 2024 20:08 UTC