Apple admits some iPhone X models freeze up in cold, promises software fix - News Summed Up

Apple admits some iPhone X models freeze up in cold, promises software fix

Apple has acknowledged there's an issue with some of its latest smartphones freezing in cold weather, but says it's a fixable issue that will be solved via a software update. Some figured out that locking and unlocking the phone would manage to reset the phone and get it working again. Apple confirmed the issue in an email to CBC News on Friday, but said it will soon send out an easy fix for the problem. "We are aware of instances where the iPhone X screen will become temporarily unresponsive to touch after a rapid change to a cold environment," a spokesperson for the company said. This time, the company is promising the solution to the problem lies in the software and will be sent to customers seamlessly via a software update.

Source: CBC News November 10, 2017 21:33 UTC

