PWD Minister Satyendar Jain (File Photo) PWD Minister Satyendar Jain (File Photo)Hours after recording the statement of the complainant, Rahul Sharma, in connection with the alleged PWD scam, officers of the Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB) Thursday raided the PWD office situated on the 12th floor of Delhi Police Headquarters and seized several files. ACB officers are likely to serve a notice to PWD Minister Satyendar Jain in the coming days. Three FIRs, including one against Bansal’s company, were registered on May 9 by the ACB. Sources in the ACB told The Indian Express that Sharma — who is the founder of Roads Anti-Corruption Organisation (RACO) — was called in to record his statement. Sources added that Sharma also submitted a complaint to the ACB to conduct a probe in connection with Bansal’s “mysterious” death.
Source: Indian Express May 11, 2017 23:15 UTC