Antarabhava and Rebirth - News Summed Up
Antarabhava and Rebirth

Antarabhava and Rebirth

June 12, 2021 00:56 UTC

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Antarabhava and Rebirth

After that, let us say this “persisting mental structure” escapes the body and becomes the “antarabhava” object but the information encoded in the “antarabhava” structure will begin to rapidly become disordered due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Buddha mentions rebirth often enough but what does he say about the actual process of rebirth? The answer is `Not very much’.”“Some Buddhist schools teach that after death, consciousness hovers in an in-between state (antarabhava) for a certain period before being reborn. Upali Abeysiri too supports my contention that Theravada has lost out by disregarding the intermediate state, antarabhava, after death. Whilst thanking all who made me extend my thought processes further, my search for the truth about rebirth continues!

Source: The Nation June 12, 2021 00:56 UTC

