Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has revealed that the 2023 train collision in Andhra Pradesh happened because the driver and the assistant driver were watching a cricket match on the phone. "The recent case in Andhra Pradesh happened because both the loco pilot and co-pilot were distracted by the cricket match which was going on," the railway minister said. The fatal collision in Andhra Pradesh state in October took place as hosts India played England during the one-day World Cup. The railway minister said to prevent such accidents in the future the Centre will be installing systems which can detect any such distraction. Jamtara train accident Highlights: 2 dead as train runs over them, CM reactsThe terminated employees are- the station master of Kathua railway station Triveni Lal Gupta, engineers Sandeep Kumar (loco pilot) and Pradeep Kumar (assistant loco pilot), and pointsman Sh.
Source: Mint March 04, 2024 19:04 UTC