Almost two in five CEOs ‘fear their global firms will be unviable within 10 years’ - News Summed Up

Almost two in five CEOs ‘fear their global firms will be unviable within 10 years’

Of the UK CEOs questioned, 21% said they could not see their businesses lasting a decade on their current trajectories, rising to 39% for global CEOs. Almost three-quarters of CEOs (73%) from around the world said global growth would decline over the coming year – the most pessimistic finding since the question was first asked 12 years ago. UK CEOs were less downbeat about the world economy than their global peers, with only 4% of British executives expecting a significant slump in output, compared with 12% for chief executives globally. The PwC survey found that 40% of UK CEOs believed their company’s tech capabilities were not good enough to meet their strategic objectives, and thought the problem would get worse without urgent action. As a result, 86% of UK chief executives said they were automating processes and 74% were upgrading skills in key areas of their businesses.

Source: The Guardian January 16, 2023 23:21 UTC

