Actor Alia Bhatt recently shared that contrary to popular opinion that a mother dresses up her daughter, it is her husband, actor Ranbir Kapoor, who is particular about what their daughter Raha wears on her outings. He will do it really well.”Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed their first child, daughter Raha, on November 8, 2022. During the interview, Alia shared that she was always confident about Ranbir being a "wonderful father". Raha and Ranbir are always teasing each other, pulling each other’s legs, they have the funniest conversations, and they make each other laugh!”Recently, Alia shared a candid photo of Ranbir Kapoor with their daughter, Raha, at Cannes. advertisementWork-wise, Alia Bhatt is gearing up for the release of her next film, Jigra.
Source: Indian Express June 19, 2024 05:58 UTC