November 13, 2023 04:18 am | Updated 04:18 am IST - AlgiersAlgerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune on Saturday, November 11, 2023, dismissed the country's prime minister and replaced him with the head of his Cabinet as the country struggles with inflation and next year's national elections approach. Benabderahmne's sacking comes three years into Tebboune's tenure and is the latest upheaval to shape North African politics. In August, Tunisia's president dismissed his prime minister, while the head of Algeria's powerful state-run oil company and eight of his vice presidents were dismissed several weeks ago. For Tebboune, the changing of the guard takes place at a time of economic anxiety and ahead of next year's presidential elections. Larbaoui, the incoming prime minister, rose from being an athlete on Algeria's national handball team to a member of the country's diplomatic corps, having served as Algeria's ambassador to Egypt and the United Nations.
Source: The North Africa Journal November 12, 2023 23:20 UTC