Age 16+ There are 158 Million People Working, 106 Million Not Working - News Summed Up

Age 16+ There are 158 Million People Working, 106 Million Not Working

Key Age 16 and Over Stats158 million employed132 million usually working full time106 million not employed6 million unemployedGotta love this stat: 106 million people age 16 and over are not employed but only 6 million of them are unemployed. Participation Rate DefinitionThe participation rate is the percentage of the population that is either working or actively looking for work. The labor force participation rate is calculated as: (Labor Force ÷ Civilian Noninstitutional Population) x 100. People are working or seeking work longer than ever but there’s a decline in the percentage of those in prime working age who are in the work force. Employment Levels in Retirement Age GroupsAge 60+ Chart Notes22.7 million people age 60 and over who are working12 million age 60-646 million age age 65-69There are 22.7 million people of retirement age who are still working.

Source: Washington Post June 19, 2023 19:48 UTC

