Rising actor Hassan Malek, who is fresh off his phenomenal success during the 2023 Ramadan season, joined the cast of the upcoming feature film SHALABY, which also features Laila Eloui, Libliba, Sawsan Badr, and Heidy Karam. In the social comedy — which is being directed by Aytem Amin and penned by Amin, Ahmed Raouf, and Islam Hassan — audiences will be taken on a journey through the complex relationships of the Shalaby family. Hassan Malek made his feature film acting debut in Yasser Samy’s EL MATAREED opposite Ahmed Hatem, Eyad Nassar, and Tara Emad. I'mAnd prior to that, he starred in WATCH IT’s drama series ETEZAN alongside Hagar El-Sarrag and Rakeen Saad. The show was directed by Shadi Abdel Salam and written by Sayed Omar.
Source: Egypt Today June 13, 2023 23:07 UTC