All this and more happened ahead of the Global Citizen festival...Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra had a blast with Hollywood star Hugh Jackman and his actress wife Deborra-Lee Furness ahead of the Global Citizen festival. The 34-year-old actress shared a clip on her social media accounts in which she and the "Wolverine" star are seen hanging out together at the backstage. Jackman, 47, also expressed his excitement for the festival on the micro-blogging site. Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, Pearl Jam lead vocalist Eddie Vedder, DJ Usher and singer Ellie Goulding also attended the concert as special guest appearances. Martin and Priyanka shared the stage to talk about his band's upcoming maiden concert in India as a part of the Global Citizen Festival.
Source: dna September 25, 2016 13:18 UTC