The picture has also been replaced by Prime Minister Imran Khan's and followers warned about betraying PakistanThe latest target of cyber hacking is none other than singer-actor Adnan Sami Khan. The incident occurred shortly after Amitabh Bachchan’s profile photo was changed to Prime Minister Imran Khan in a cyber attack that took place on Monday night. Sami’s Twitter bio was replaced by the text “Ayyıldız Tim Love Pakistan” and just like the hacking of Bachchan’s account, the display picture was replaced by Imran Khan’s with the Turkish and Pakistani flags in the background. The hackers are continuously posting tweets, condemning the actions of the Icelandic republic towards Turkish footballers. It seems like Bollywood is under a coordinated cyber attack and more of such attacks cannot be ruled out.
Source: The Express Tribune June 11, 2019 12:00 UTC