By KEVIN J. KELLEY More by this AuthorNew YorkSome African governments are using the coronavirus pandemic to erode democratic freedoms and to muzzle independent media, US officials have warned. DISTURBING TRENDS“Disturbing trends include the cancellation or postponement of elections, targeted crackdowns on key population groups, and increased gender-based and criminal violence,” Mr Runyan added. Speaking in an online press briefing, Mr Runyan did not name the African countries where leaders are tightening their control amidst the pandemic. “We’ve tried throughout our time in relationship with countries across Africa to demonstrate the need for sustained focus on democracy and human rights,” Dr Staley said in response. The US has demonstrated “global leadership in partnering with you across the continent of Africa in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Dr Staley declared.
Source: Daily Nation June 06, 2020 12:00 UTC