Africa: Africa Flexes Its Muscles in Relations With Europe - News Summed Up

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Africa: Africa Flexes Its Muscles in Relations With Europe

Michel strongly believed in the importance of having everyone sitting in the same room (with the necessary social distancing), just as he did for the July EU Summit during which the next EU long-term budget was agreed. For more than six months now, the COVID-19 crisis has monopolised the political agendas in both Europe and Africa. Whether North Africa, which is not part of the OACPS, will subscribe to this approach, remains to be seen. COVID-19 accentuates economic problems that already existed on the continent with a slowing down of the economic growth since 2015. In a best case scenario, gross domestic product per capita in Africa will recover to 2019 levels in 2024.

Source: The North Africa Journal September 16, 2020 17:26 UTC

