'Afghanistan will go again into civil war' - News Summed Up

'Afghanistan will go again into civil war'

We would help create stability and prosperity in a country that after 20 years of civil war had become a failed state. READ MORE:* Defence Force clearance of Afghanistan firing ranges finds nearly 700 explosives, mostly Russian* Two decades in Afghanistan: Was it worth it? * Calls grow for a public inquiry into Afghanistan war* Afghan war effort 'a failure' - ex president Hamid KarzaiIt actually happened sooner than expected: within weeks of his statement the New Zealand flag was lowered in Kabul, with scant acknowledgement, no fanfare, back home. But in that time, 10 New Zealand soldiers were killed and many more wounded. US forces, whose ‘war on terror’ we were supporting, will be withdrawn from Afghanistan by September.

Source: Stuff May 15, 2021 16:52 UTC

