Adrija Roy, aka Imlie, from the Star Plus show Imlie, showcased a magical performance on Tum Kya Mile along with her co-star Sai Ketan Rao, aka Agastya, on the stage of the 23rd ITA Awards! - News Summed Up

Adrija Roy, aka Imlie, from the Star Plus show Imlie, showcased a magical performance on Tum Kya Mile along with her co-star Sai Ketan Rao, aka Agastya, on the stage of the 23rd ITA Awards!

The 23rd Indian Television Academy Awards (ITA Awards) will recognise the various artistic and entertainment accomplishments of the artists. The 23rd Indian Television Academy Awards will mark several performances by talented television artists. The performance looked no less than a fairytale, and we cannot wait to get mesmerised by this beautiful performance by Sai Ketan Rao and Adrija Roy. Adrija Roy, aka Imlie, from the Star Plus show Imlie shares, “I am very excited for the 23rd Indian Television Academy Awards, as it is my first ITA Awards. I will be performing on Tum Kya Mile from Rocky aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani along with my co-star Sai Ketan Rao.

Source: The Star December 28, 2023 08:32 UTC

