Activists say Morocco used 'unjustified' force against Melilla migrants - News Summed Up

Activists say Morocco used 'unjustified' force against Melilla migrants

A rights group on Saturday accused Morocco's security forces of using "unjustified" violence against migrants trying to force their way through a border fence between the North African country and the Spanish exclave of Melilla. Amin Abidar, a spokesperson for the Moroccan Association of Human Rights (AMDH), said the migrants had been "mistreated" by Moroccan security forces during the border rush. AMDH shared videos on social media that purportedly showed dozens of migrants, some bleeding and lying motionless on the ground, with Moroccan security forces standing over them. The rights group said the lack of action by security forces likely led to many more deaths. Morocco claims both Ceuta and Melilla as its own territory"Before they used to spread along the whole length of the fence.

Source: The North Africa Journal June 25, 2022 17:22 UTC

