A plagiarism expert says the Alberta government should review its entire draft elementary school curriculum after finding multiple instances of information cribbed without credit. The UCP government's proposed curriculum has also come under fire for including content in the younger grades that experts say is age-inappropriate and fixated on memorization rather than understanding. The Métis Nation of Alberta and Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations have also rejected the proposed curriculum, saying it perpetuates systemic racism and fails to present balanced and appropriate accounts of Indigenous histories. After being inundated with samples of possible plagiarism, Eaton chose to inspect passages from the draft curriculum in Grade 2 wellness and Grade 6 social studies. Plagiarism unacceptable for studentsParent Taylor Schroeter said the suspected plagiarism is yet another problem with a proposed curriculum she says is flawed.
Source: CBC News April 06, 2021 17:02 UTC