Abela says human traffickers should be brought to justice in meeting with German Chancellor - News Summed Up

Abela says human traffickers should be brought to justice in meeting with German Chancellor

Prime Minister Robert Abela stressed the need to not only disrupt activities of human traffickers, but to collectively strive for traffickers to be brought to justice in a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin. In comments to the press at the Chancellery in the German capital following the meeting with Chancellor Scholz, Abela said Malta is focused on preventing arrivals and fighting against human trafficking. During discussions with the German Chancellor, Abela also expressed support for dialogue and assistance to other countries in the Mediterranean such as Libya and Tunisia. - RA pic.twitter.com/6uT8861QVV — Robert Abela (@RobertAbela_MT) November 28, 2023Abela said Malta will continue to advocate for peace in the UN. Prime Minister Robert Abela was accompanied by Minister for Foreign Affairs Ian Borg, Minister for Economy Silvio Schembri, Minister for Home Affairs Byron Camilleri, Malta's Ambassador to Germany Vanni Xuereb, and the Head of Secretariat at the Office of the Prime Minister Glenn Micallef.

Source: Libya Today November 28, 2023 14:48 UTC

