Abagusii traditional law court - News Summed Up

Abagusii traditional law court

| Updated Wed, March 22nd 2017 at 00:00 GMT +3The Omotembe treeBefore the British established modern courts in Africa, the Abagusii had traditional law courts where they would make rulings and pass judgment on matters brought before them. The place was called Manga Itongo (or Ritogo) and the elderly men would seat under the Omotembe tree to make these determinations. Accused persons were brought before this ancestral court and charged, according to the offenses one had committed, before the old men, who were highly regarded in society. “The sacred tree helped maintain law and order within the entire community. ALSO READ: My story: Why I sell charcoalThe sacred tree had several other uses.

Source: Standard Digital March 21, 2017 21:00 UTC

