Aaron Rodgers is done as a guest on Pat McAfee’s ESPN show for the remainder of the NFL season after falsely suggesting fellow Disney star Jimmy Kimmel could be linked to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories. “So ‘Aaron Rodgers Tuesday,’ season four, is done,” McAfee told his audience.“There could be a lot of people that are happy with that. The way it ended, it got real loud.”A person familiar with the matter told CNN that the decision to end Rodgers’ regular Tuesday appearances was due to his recent behavior, not the conclusion of the regular NFL season. During the previous two NFL seasons, Rodgers appeared on McAfee’s program as late as March. Rodgers’ repeated promotion of dangerous anti-vaccine rhetoric prompted questions as to whether Bob Iger, the Disney chief executive, would intervene.
Source: CNN January 10, 2024 19:18 UTC