ACC Director General (Prevention) Akhter Hossain has also pressed charges against former MP from Gaibandha-4 constituency Abul Kalam Azad on Monday. He was also charged with making suspicious transactions totalling Tk 110 million through seven personal and business bank accounts in his name. Additionally, he deposited Tk 20 million and withdrew nearly the same amount through seven personal and business accounts in his name, totalling about Tk 40 million. It also claims that the accused's wife, Ms Ruhul Ara Rahim, possesses assets worth Tk 5.1 million without any declared source. FARIDPUR EX-SP CHARGEDThe ACC has prosecuted former Faridpur police superintendent Md Shahjahan, now with the Chittagong Range DIG's office, for acquiring illegal assets worth Tk 14 million.
Source: bd News24 January 07, 2025 16:47 UTC