A top cosmetic dental surgeon reveals why that daily cuppa or salad is slowly staining your teeth - News Summed Up

A top cosmetic dental surgeon reveals why that daily cuppa or salad is slowly staining your teeth

So its not surprising that the global teeth whitening products market is expected to reach £6.5 billion by 2024. 'If you already have badly stained teeth from drinking too much Dr Krystna advises you to use teeth whitening products with Whitewash BEAM. If you already have badly stained teeth from drinking too much Krystna advises you use teeth whitening products with Whitewash BEAMIs professional teeth whitening worth it? With costs starting at around £500 for treatments professional teeth whitening can be costly. 'Professional teeth whitening is a very effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth surface.

Source: Daily Mail June 13, 2019 06:53 UTC

