A music-induced sense of nostalgia - News Summed Up
A music-induced sense of nostalgia

A music-induced sense of nostalgia

November 29, 2020 12:56 UTC

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A music-induced sense of nostalgia

This story is part of a web series called Music that Matters with CBC Yukon's Airplay host Dave White. "When I picked it up and started listening, it was this feeling of nostalgia for high school and shortly after that. Finally, for his final choice, Smoler went way, way, way off the map and selected Days Like That by pop group Sugar Jones. "I recognize it's from a really crazy era, when the pop bands just went off," he said. "And I recognize this was a short-lived group, but I wanted to give it it's flowers.

Source: CBC News November 29, 2020 12:56 UTC

