A masterpiece of compassion - News Summed Up
A masterpiece of compassion

A masterpiece of compassion

May 18, 2019 19:52 UTC

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A masterpiece of compassion

This Vesak season, perhaps, the Rambodagalla Buddha statue, which is a powerful spiritual symbol of Buddhist faith, would be a fine example to pursue racial harmony in the country. A neatly kept stone staircase led us on a steady climb through the rock boulder to the Buddha statue carved out into a solid rock. There is an interesting narration how the seed was sown to build such a massive Buddha statue. The chief monk then told the student that Buddhists don’t take revenge, instead, showed compassion towards them according to the Buddha’s teaching. Reckoned to be the largest cross-legged Buddha statue in the world, the construction has been completed after 13 years and the statue officially unveiled to the public on April 30, 2015.

Source: Sunday Observer May 18, 2019 19:52 UTC

