75th independence anniversary - News Summed Up

75th independence anniversary

As we celebrate the 75th independence anniversary, it is time to ponder, on collective failures of those who held power since 1954, and what were the factors which landed this country on edge of financial collapse, facing threats of extremism and terrorism. Quaid stressed upon importance of a Constitution and rule of law, on 11 August 1947 to achieve modern democratic welfare state, which motivated people to join democratic struggle that AIML waged. We must remember that political awakening amongst Muslims started in 1906 from Dacca and it was later that others joined. The basic principle of democracy is one man one vote and number of seats in NA must be based on population. Today we are neither a welfare state, nor a country secure from within, haunted by terrorism, extremism, ethnic and sectarian divide.

Source: The Nation August 14, 2022 05:31 UTC

