74% vulnerable to deepfakes finds survey in Mauritius, Egypt, Botswana, South Africa, Kenya - News Summed Up

74% vulnerable to deepfakes finds survey in Mauritius, Egypt, Botswana, South Africa, Kenya

The problem is, awareness of deepfakes and how they work is very low in Africa and this puts users at risk. Deepfake technology has become so sophisticated that most people would find it challenging to spot a fake. Just over 50% of respondents said they were aware of deepfakes, while 48% were unsure or had little understanding of what they were. “These deepfake platforms are capable of creating civil and societal unrest when used to spread mis- or dis-information in political and election campaigns, and remain a dangerous element in modern digital society. However, nearly 21% said that they would believe it and 17% believed a video is impossible to fake.

Source: The North Africa Journal March 18, 2023 02:41 UTC

