In the continuation of an ongoing military retaliation campaign executed by the Egyptian Armed Forces against the IS-affiliated group “Sinai Province” in North Sinai, the army official spokesperson declared on Tuesday evening that six militants and two army personnel were killed. Six militants and two army personnel were killed on the fourth day of the ongoing retaliation campaign against “Sinai Province”, the official spokesperson for the Egyptian Armed Forces stated on Tuesday evening. They also mentioned that their businesses are negatively affected by the curfew and that militancy has increased during curfew hours, threatening their lives. The curfew hours were first imposed in 2014 and have been renewed every three months since then as a counter-terrorism measure. The decision was first imposed in October 2014 as unrest escalated in North Sinai following the ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi.
Source: Daily News Egypt October 19, 2016 13:07 UTC