CEA has collected plastic debris equivalent to 51 containersOver 3,000 MTs of debris stored for Court proceedingsBy Pamodi WaravitaThe Central Environmental Authority (CEA) has collected, from the Western coastline, a load of plastic debris equivalent to the contents of approximately 51 containers used in shipping, following the disaster onboard the MV X-Press Pearl. We have collected approximately 51 of the 1,846 containers which the ship was carrying in its cargo,” CEA Chairman Siripala Amarasinghe told The Morning yesterday (10). Reportedly, 823 of those containers had stored plastic or polythene in them. Currently, the containers are being stored in a storage facility as evidence for the ongoing Court case. When asked about the debris that civilians initially collected off the beaches, Amarasinghe said that the Police had handed over what they had confiscated to the CEA.
Source: The Nation June 10, 2021 18:56 UTC