334 ships transit Suez Canal last week carrying 17.4m tonnes - Daily News Egypt - News Summed Up

334 ships transit Suez Canal last week carrying 17.4m tonnes - Daily News Egypt

Suez Canal traffic data showed that 334 ships transited the canal from 14 to 20 October, with a total load of 17.4m tonnes. An average of 47.7 ships transited the canal per day during that period, with an average load of 2.49m tonnes per day. Meanwhile, 171 ships transited the new canal coming from the south, with a daily average of 24.43 vessels, and a total load of 9.25m tonnes, recording a daily average of 1.32m tonnes. Cargo load is the main measure of shipping traffic in the Suez Canal and the calculated transit fees. The following table shows traffic through the Suez Canal from 14 to 20 October:

Source: Daily News Egypt October 22, 2016 12:33 UTC

