200 secondary schools to recruit students with entrance exams - News Summed Up

200 secondary schools to recruit students with entrance exams

At present only three prestigious school are allowed to use entrance exams to recruit their secondary level students. The remaining secondary schools are required to take in at least 60 per cent of students from the local area through lot draw, not exams. Dr Ekkachai Kisukphan, chairman of the Basic Education Commission, said the commission decided on Friday to change the policy and allow some 200 schools to accept 100 per cent of students through entrance exams. As a result, the 200 secondary schools with high rate of entrants will be exempt from the 60 per cent local recruitment regulation, Ekkachai said. He said the schools that will be allowed to use entrance exams for all entrants include Suankularb Wittayalai School, Satriwithaya School, Debsirin School, Yothinburana School, Wat Sutthiwararam School and provincial schools.

Source: The Nation Bangkok May 18, 2019 03:56 UTC

