10 Steps To Rebuilding Healthcare After Obamacare Collapse - News Summed Up

10 Steps To Rebuilding Healthcare After Obamacare Collapse

In Nashville, TN, a mecca for the healthcare industry, premiums rose by an average of 54%, almost double the national average. We should build foundations for a new infrastructure—one that relies on the states, not the feds, to take the lead in delivering on the unmet Obamacare promises of healthcare access, choice and affordability. Lawmakers should conduct a full audit of federal, state and local governments’ efforts to address healthcare. This inventory and analysis should identify each program’s target population, assess how much of the taxpayers’ funds directly benefit the intended recipients, and find gaps in healthcare access. Lawmakers should protect and empower healthcare innovators, especially when they offer consumers an affordable option to access timely care.

Source: Forbes November 23, 2016 15:41 UTC

