... Something for all, young and old - News Summed Up
... Something for all, young and old

... Something for all, young and old

January 23, 2018 19:07 UTC

Trending Today

... Something for all, young and old

An official of the state urban development department said that though detailed plans were yet to be worked out, the idea was to offer cities with green lungs for the young and old to conduct recreational activities like yoga and laughter clubs. TransportInterstate bus terminuses have been proposed in Dhanbad, Deoghar, Jamshedpur and Ranchi, in addition to setting up the long-pending transport nagar in the capital. "Setting up women's hostels is a welcome move for someone like me who is from Gumla and studying in Ranchi. But key will be to ensure the hostel becomes a reality and is well maintained," said Ragini Minz, a first year Ranchi University PG student of humanities. Ranchi, Deoghar, Bokaro, Dhanbad, Jamshedpur and Rajrappa would have handicraft emporiums, while a silk park would be set up on PPP mode at Kharsawan.

Source: The Telegraph January 23, 2018 19:07 UTC

