Actress turned writer Twinkle Khanna embarked on a unique chapter in her life when, at the age of 48, she decided to pursue higher education. In a recent conversation with the YouTube channel “A Suitable Agency,” Twinkle opened up about her experiences during this transformative journey. A Dual Admission Dilemma:During the admission process, Twinkle Khanna found herself in a unique situation. Oscar-Winning Film ‘Parasite’ Actor Found Dead At 48A Long-Held Desire Comes to Life:Reflecting on her longstanding desire to attend university, Twinkle recalled advocating for her educational aspirations when her son was young. University Experience and New Connections:Once enrolled, Twinkle Khanna embraced her university experience, making friends with individuals of varying ages.
Source: News 24 December 27, 2023 19:23 UTC