Twin Strings, an upcoming boy band of four engineers-turned-musicians, have launched their latest original track ‘Tujhse Hoti Hai Subha' which would remind people of their loved ones during the times of COVID-19 pandemic. You can watch the music video here:Speaking on the release of their new original, Twin Strings said in a statement “We are very excited on the release of our second original- Tujhse Hoti Hai Subha. Their first original ‘Dhalti Rahe’ was released in 2019 and has over 1 million views on Youtube. Sahil Kr, the keyboard player of the group, also doubles up as the music producer while guitarist Sagar Kr is the video producer of the group. Lead vocalist Manav is also a music producer and percussionist Mohit Deen is the group's mixing engineer.
Source: dna May 29, 2020 17:37 UTC