‘Sixty percent want change’ a myth - News Summed Up

‘Sixty percent want change’ a myth

This is an obvious ploy to help the “divide and conquer” strategy that the “blue-white alliance” is working on to incite “down with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)” sentiment. According to Internet searches since July, the idea was first thrown into the public arena by the KMT and the TPP. On Sept. 12, CNEWS published an online survey that asked: As the DPP has been in power for eight years, do you think there should be a change in next year’s election? Of the respondents, 65.1 percent supported a change, with 39.7 percent “strongly agreeing” and 25.4 percent “somewhat agreeing.”However, the survey’s accuracy is questionable. They should prevent the TPP and the KMT, which are singing to China’s tune, from furthering their ill-intentioned agenda.

Source: Taipei Times November 16, 2023 03:41 UTC

