‘Democracy still born’ – or a case of cold blooded infanticide? - News Summed Up

‘Democracy still born’ – or a case of cold blooded infanticide?

‘Democracy still born’ – or a case of cold blooded infanticide? The twisted creature of the Sri Lankan State'How can justice be done to such an exercise?' Was 'democracy' in fact, stillborn or, was it a case of cold blooded murder? And so, we have the endless cycle of history repeating itself, another being the 'cruel joke of the ICCPR Act' as 'Democracy StillBorn' terms it. ICCPR Act used to lock up dissentersTo meet (justifiable) global consternation in the wake of that ruling, the so-called ICCPR Act was conjured, much like the proverbial rabbit, out of the State's hat.

Source: Sunday Times December 18, 2022 01:29 UTC

