more-inThe High Court here asked the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on Thursday to consider manning exit gates at all stations after some incidents of people going missing from the premises were brought to its attention. A Bench of Justices Vipin Sanghi and A. K. Pathak said manning the automatic fare collection (AFC) exit gates was also necessary to ensure security on the metro system. It has also asked the DMRC and the Metro Police to file affidavits containing data about commuters who went missing from metro stations in the last three years. ‘Necessary for security’“The Delhi Metro should consider the desirability of manning AFC gates at all stations so that children, the differently-abled or vulnerable persons, and those without tickets are checked while exiting. Such measures are also necessary from the point of view of security of the metro system,” the Bench said.
Source: The Hindu May 11, 2017 20:01 UTC