President William Ruto and his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua on Monday held a meeting with members of the Jubilee Party. The move was seen as part of the President's strategy to counter opposition chief Raila Odinga who is on Monday holding a mega rally in Nairobi. Those present include EALA MP Kanini Kega, Nominated MP Sabina Chege, Irene Njoki (Bahati), Zachary Kwenya Thuku ( Kinangop), Shadrach Mwiti ( Douth Imenti), Mark Mwenje ( Embakasi West), Amos Mwago ( Starehe), Dan Karitho ( Igembe Central), Stanley Muthama ( Lamu West) and Joseph Githuku (Lamu Senator).
Source: The Star January 24, 2023 01:54 UTC