YouBike’s plan for hack compensation, cybersecurity due - News Summed Up

YouBike’s plan for hack compensation, cybersecurity due

YouBike’s plan for hack compensation, cybersecurity dueBy Tsai Ya-hua and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writerYouBike Co was given until today to draw up a plan to improve its cybersecurity and compensate the 40,593 people whose personal data was compromised in last week’s hacks, the Taipei Department of Transportation said on Tuesday. The hackers accessed the cellphone numbers of YouBike users and their passwords used for Web sites and platforms other than YouBike, and changed user e-ticket verification data and ride records, the company said. Photo: CNAThe cellphone numbers of the bike users — obtained via unknown means — were used to log in to the accounts using brute-force attacks, YouBike said. YouBike users need to use the forgotten password function on the official Web site to set new passwords and gain access to their accounts, it said. Fees for using the bicycle-sharing service are paid only at physical service points such as bike meters and customer service centers, it said.

Source: Taipei Times May 25, 2023 04:42 UTC

