The latest season of the drama series “Leh Laa” (Why Not) is scheduled to be shown on June 22 on the Shahid platform. Actress Nelly Karim said that her character, Sherry, represents women who faces great difficulties especially from raising children. The idea was developed by Dina Negm, who wrote the script and dialogue in cooperation with Magdy Amin, Rania Hassan and Salma Abdel Wahab, through a narration workshop and under the supervision of Maryam Naoum. The series stars Menna Shalaby, Ahmed Hatem, Murad Makram, Maha Abu Auf, Sarah Abdel Rahman, Selim Mostafa, Mona Ahmed Zaher, Donia Maher, Firas Saeed, Yara Gibran, Tamer Nabil, and Reem Hegab. “Why Not” marks one of many successful collaborations between Naoum and Karim, who worked together on prior shows such as “Women’s Prison” (Segn al-Nisa), “Under Control” (Taht al-Sitara) and “Free Fall” (Sokot horr).
Source: Egypt Independent June 21, 2023 23:17 UTC