Rare echidna mating ritual caught on camera on Kangaroo Island - News Summed Up

Rare echidna mating ritual caught on camera on Kangaroo Island

A group of echidnas have been captured on camera performing a very bizarre mating ritual. The phenomenon is hard to come by but Kangaroo Island local Maren Norris, from South Australia, managed to film a group of the spiny creatures right outside her home. A group of echidnas have been filmed in a mating ritual known as the 'echidna train' in South Australia's Kangaroo IslandAs many as ten males follow a female echidna for several weeks until one last man is standing. The last male left becomes the female's mating partner'The echidna train is usually seen in the winter time but I've never seen that many together,' Ms Norris told Daily Mail Australia. The Kangaroo Island short-beaked echidna is currently listed as an endangered species.

Source: Daily Mail July 06, 2021 01:50 UTC

